Conflict and resolution
Conflict and resolution are terms that most people associate with resolving differences with people. However, both conflict and resolution have much deeper meaning. It is important for us to realize the role that the media has in our society today and how it effects individuals. The media portrays people in a negative light time again. Negative portrayals create a negative image in the minds of the viewer which causes individuals to make judgments that they would not normally make.
For example, one movie that was released recently depicts a mother who shoves her son out the window after he disrespects her. The mother then proceeds to shove the boy in the car, where she threatens to call the police if the boy does not leave the house. As you can see, conflict and resolution are not always positive. Individuals who experience these negative views on issues tend to act on impulse and make decisions based upon their emotions rather than thinking things through. As a result, they are unable to properly analyze the situation or make the best decision for themselves and their loved ones.
In order to prevent individuals from making impulsive and rash decisions, we must work to resolve conflicts and achieve proper resolutions. Individuals who are able to properly address conflicts and properly work to resolve them are less likely to act on impulse. Individuals who can properly form and implement resolutions are also less likely to fall victim to the often cruel and inflammatory characterizations that are a part of the conflict and resolution arena. Individuals who learn appropriate conflict and resolution strategies are less likely to experience a variety of hardships, such as abuse, revenge, and even death.
One of the most effective ways individuals can resolve conflicts and prevent them from escalating is through communication skills training. Communication skills refer to the ability to understand, interpret, and respond appropriately when communicating with another individual. In today's society, many individuals lack the ability to communicate effectively and do not understand the importance of communication skills. Therefore, it is essential to develop good communication skills in order to improve interpersonal relationships and solve conflicts.
Conflict and resolution can be defined as a process whereby an individual changes his or her perspective in order to meet the needs of others. When two people come into conflict, it usually results in one person taking a dominant position and the other feeling overpowered and abused by the other. A common outcome of these conflicts is anger, which can cause individuals to lash out in anger. This can lead to a number of negative side effects such as verbal abuse, physical abuse, and even threats. The ultimate result of failing to address these issues is that both individuals are left feeling voiceless in their relationship.
Another key takeaway for students taking the course on conflict resolution strategies is that it provides an individual with tools for understanding, implementing, and maintaining positive relationships. According to Harvard law school's website, conflict is "the interaction of two or more people where an outcome or a price is absent". This definition can help individuals to identify what they can do to resolve conflicts. For example, if an individual feels as though he or she is losing ground in a relationship, learning about conflict and its resolution can provide tools for gaining a more advantageous position. The ultimate result for this strategy is that it teaches individuals to be effective negotiators and communicators, therefore allowing them to have a more positive influence on their environment.
According to the website, another key takeaway is, "There are several benefits of learning about and applying conflict and negotiation strategies, including: strengthening relationships, reducing tension and frustration, enhancing productivity and reducing mistakes and lawsuits". These benefits are likely to apply to organizations as well, as communication skills play a crucial role in creating a business environment that is free from conflict and litigation. The courses offered by the Harvard Law School further suggest that "law school students may choose to focus on areas such as tort law, labor law, or business law, to study the different aspects of litigation and the role of the legal system in ensuring that everyone has access to justice." Therefore, a degree in the law will likely provide individuals with a better understanding of the key roles that conflict and mediation play in our society.
The website stresses that these courses are available to anyone willing to take the time to learn. A prospective student will need to dedicate themselves to reading and engaging in discussions. However, there is no fee and no obligations required. The website is also clear on the expectations of the participants, which is helpful for students who are uncertain about the benefits of a degree in the law.
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